Double your leadsin 1 month

With an AI-Mastering Lead Magnet

    screenshot of stemmer mastering portal

    Capture 14% of web-visitors


    When artists see your mastering widget, they upload songs.


    Artists  input contact info to hear their preview. They can pay for full file.


    The widget links to your other offers, and leads go  into your CRM / email software


    Skyrocket your email list

    66% of uploader's submit contact info

      Email List screenshot

      Integrated with your business

      Leads are connected to your CRM, email marketing software, Meta pixel, & more

        Stemmer's Integrations (Logos)

        Earn Passive Income

        Charge your users to download their mastered songs. Connect a Stripe account for instant payouts and keep 100% of revenue.

          Income Chart from Stemmer

          Instant Upsells

          Link users to your other products and services.

            Stemmer Instant Upsell Screenshot before download

            Unique Mastering Options

            Let users select a reference song from Spotify, and it will be mastered according to the subgenre they selected.

            Or, offer manual genre selection

            Or, clone the widget to your own reference master.

              Stemmer Spotify Mastering Screenshot

              Increase Email Open Rates

              Collect data about what reference track users select, and utilize it in email marketing

                Stemmer Mastering - Highly customize email showing data from stemmer


                "I've had $1,600/month in sales from Stemmer. It also brought in 5,000 leads in 4 months, twice what my old email popup would get. I upsell those leads on our mixing services"

                -Noah Carmichael, CEO of
                  AiMixingMastering Stemmer screenshot

                  "I made $70 in sales from Stemmer in March. I just linked my widget in my Youtube descriptions."

                  -Key Notez, 20,000 followers
                    Key Notez screenshot of his instagram

                    "With Stemmer we now can offer a full suite of products to our audience of music producers"

           (Loops, Sample Packs & VST platform)
                    6,000 monthly visits
                      Key Notez screenshot of his instagram

                      Stemmer FAQ

                      Couldn't people just use LANDR instead of my Stemmer portal?


                      Yes. But even though there are countless AI mastering solutions out there, artists will irrestisably upload songs to your widget when they come across it.

                      Is Stemmer an ethical AI?


                      Yes. Our mastering algorithm currently does not use any machine learning, and has never been trained on any artist's songs. We will never use any songs uploaded to train generative AI models. When users upload, they are shown a clear opt-in form to allow us to use their song to train an AI mastering machine learning model in the future. They do not have to opt-in to use our service.

                      What if Stemmer sounds bad to me?


                      Somebody else might like the sound. Communicate this as "test our beta AI mastering". Users only have to pay if they want to download their master, and we actually see as much as 9% of uploads get purchased.

                      Is Stemmer hard to install?


                      No. We give you 1 line of html code to embed in your website. It takes 2 minutes